We have been a bit busy, so sorry for the delay in updating our blog. Riley's first Christmas Day was fairly quiet, but wonderful. It was just the 3 of us Christmas day, but then we had more than a week of visits with Grandma and Gramps, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends! Kim’s parents came in from Indiana, and Riley had some good quality Grandma and Gramps time. Gramps brought Riley the toy box he made her, such a special gift and absolutely beautiful. We all had a great time and Riley must have been a good baby because she received a ton of presents to fill up that toy box! :)
New Year's Eve was spent at our friends Laura and Everett's house where we rang in 2010. Riley went along with the plan, and slept right through the New Year! Gary and Kim had a great time having some champagne and catching up with friends!
2009 was pretty sensational and we are eager to see what 2010 brings!
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