Riley has a new past time...staring at her mobile! Gary put up a mobile in her room, now that she is regularly taking naps in her big baby bed, and she is mesmerized! She is still sleeping in the bassinet at night...8-10 hours the past 3 nights! Whoo hoo!
We are still having trouble getting her to take a bottle, but we have been assured that she will eventually do it. I hope so!
Riley has been a little social butterfly this week, but of course Mom forgot to take pictures! She got to play with Auntie Meghan and cousin Drew, Aunt Laurie, Darcie and Mrs. Jordening, and Laura and Everett's for a party. Wow, quite a packed social calendar for a 9 week old...she loved it!
I forgot to take pictures,too, when you all were over here! Can you believe it? Yay for her sleep...8 hours is awesome! Congrats!!