May 24, 2010

9 Months!

What am I up to these days?

  • Crawling everywhere

  • Pulling up on everything

  • Dancing to music

  • Getting brave with standing up with one hand

  • Playing peek-a-boo

  • Showing everyone I am "so big"

  • Still loving my bath

  • Loving to swing outside

  • Saying "ba, ba"

New foods I like:

  • Butternut squash

  • carrots

New foods I do not like:

  • Greens beans...the most hated food to date!

May 8, 2010

Creative Crawling

If you have been to our house, you know the downstairs is alot of wood floors. Riley has overcome this potentially painful route by improvising her crawling technique when on the wood floor...hilarious! She is getting pretty fast, and we fear we are in for some exciting times soon...babyproofing here we come!

Visit with Grandma and Gramps!

Last weekend, Grandma and Gramps were in for a quick weekend trip from Indiana for a visit. We had a great time with them, as well as time to see Kim's sisters and family. Festivities included, a picnic at the park complete with baby ducks!, lots of food, playing with Cousin Drew, and a rematch basketball tournament between Gary and Tyler. Riley loves all the action...the more the better! She is quite a social girl- gee, I wonder where she may have gotten that from? :)

We had to say goodbye to Grandma and Gramps most likely until August. We will miss them, but look forward to seeing them at Riley's first birthday! In the meantime, we will have to make do with Skype video phone calls.